Guiding you to clarity and well-being.


Grow Your Business, Find Your Balance

You are on the brink of greatness, yet feel hindered by internal pressures. And despite your achievements, you still feel unfulfilled. If you're combating feelings of inadequacy, people-pleasing tendencies, or struggling to maintain healthy boundaries between work and personal life, you have found the right guide.

Is This Journey for You?


As a licensed therapist and nervous system coach, my journey through life's ups and downs helped uncover the true essence of resilience and success. With a rich background in neuroscience and a certified expertise in somatic practices, I've dedicated my life to empowering others to do the same.

My approach is grounded in science, enriched by personal experience, and tailored to the unique challenges faced by female entrepreneurs and industry leaders. I'm a fellow traveler on the path to finding peace amongst the hustle.

more about marie

MEET Marie Benoit: Your Guide to a Balanced Life and Thriving Business

ADHD isn't your identity, it's information. It's s a reservoir of untapped energy and creativity waiting to be harnessed. This guide shows you how to see ADHD in a new light, turning it into a powerful tool for business success. Get to grips with how ADHD affects your brain and body, and use that knowledge to boost your innovation and stay strong through the ups and downs of running a business.

Turn ADHD Into Your Edge 

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The           without the

How to How to Harness ADHD Energy for Business Success E-Book



I leverage neuroscience, parts work, and strategic microdosing to heal generational wounds. Let us turn challenges into stepping stones - towards a life of balance, fulfillment, and purposeful success

Neuroscience-Informed Strategies

Understanding the brain's role in behavior, emotions, and decision-making is crucial. By applying neuroscience principles, I help you rewire your thought patterns for greater emotional regulation, enhanced focus, and increased resilience in the face of entrepreneurial challenges

Parts Work (Internal Family Systems)

By acknowledging the multiplicity of your inner self, I help you harmonize conflicting parts to achieve clarity and inner peace. It's particularly effective for overcoming self-doubt, decision paralysis, and that stifling inner critic.

Strategic Microdosing 

With due care, I guide you through microdosing as a tool for creativity, problem-solving, and breaking through mental barriers.

Unlock Your Potential with Science-Backed Healing


As your business vision takes shape, collaboration with other powerful forces becomes essential. The transformative shift ahead is exciting, but the path forward remains unclear. Embrace a mentorship program for guidance, accountability, and fresh perspectives. Together, share knowledge, unlocking the potential for unprecedented success beyond the lone wolf journey. Overcome the fear of rejection with hypersensitivity and build a network that propels you towards your goals.


Abundance Blueprint


Your entrepreneurial journey feels like a never-ending race, leaving you overwhelmed by an ever-growing to-do list. The constant hustle is taking a toll, and self-doubt lurks in the background. It's time to reclaim control, achieve financial success, and infuse passion into your work. Acknowledge your forever business partner, your nervous system, and transform your entrepreneurial journey by overcoming the fear of being wrong.

With insurmountable success, strategic prowess, and unyielding resilience, you yearn to slow down and fully embrace the essence of achievement. The burning desire to "have it all" propels you to confront your closeted skeletons. Dive into a high-performance mentorship that unleashes renewed energy and focus, empowering you to hold the capacity for success. Hungry for tools and insights, you'll turn your boldest moonshots into reality while addressing the fear of inadequacy - will I fully live up to my potential?



private coaching

spirit aniMAL

embody your


Abundance Blueprint

 "I was wildly unaware of how tapped out I was to my body and my nervous system and how it affected my life, business & relationships."

- Samantha

“Working with Marie has completely shifted my awareness and state of BEING. I was wildly unaware of how tapped out I was to my body and my nervous system and how it affected my life, business & relationships. Marie had such a gentle way of redirecting me back to my body and allowed me to feel safe to tap into my nervous system, tap into the feelings and feel them! I still have a lot of work to do with Marie to get where I want to be, but after working with her I can already see how integral feeling safe in my body is to living the life and having the business I desire. It feels like a missing puzzle piece and it's absolutely insane to me that I'm just NOW getting it. I couldn't be more grateful to have gained the knowledge and tools to start catapulting to the next level. If you're thinking of working with Marie, do it. Take the leap, lean in, say yes. Your nervous system will thank you.”

Brand & Web designer

 "My own experiences with Marie have been life-changing and helped me find deeper resolution to my deepest pains. With my past more integrated, I’ve been able to easily take on a more demanding client load AND make a powerful decision to delegate and get the help I needed for my business." 

- Aimee

When I started working with Marie, I had never done much EFT or Somatic Parts work and I found it incredibly powerful. There were some early childhood memories that I had previously worked through in talk therapy that got opened and resolved on a much deeper level through working with Marie. Addressing these emotional imprints opened new pathways of understanding in my marriage and success in my work as a Somatic Educator and Entrepreneur.

Marie knows her stuff and she’s excellent at creating a neutral, calm and supportive connection that expedites my ability to tap into my body and heal what’s been hidden. I confidently recommend Marie to my clients who are struggling to process trauma and create nervous system regulation, as my own experiences with Marie have been life-changing and helped me find deeper resolution to my deepest pains. With my past more integrated, I’ve been able to easily take on a more demanding client load AND make a powerful decision to delegate and get the help I needed for my business. Marie is a treasure. She’s gutsy and gentle. She’s patient and has the most elegant timing when working with you. The feelings flow as she skillfully guides you into deeper connection with yourself, your journey and your truth.


"Marie showed me how to trust myself to go through the process as well as nurture a sense of safety throughout. I trust her immensely."

- Anna

"Marie came into my life at the perfect moment. I had been wanting to get deeper into my childhood trauma so I could finally start to recover from it, but I had no idea where to start or how to create a safe environment to do so. Marie showed me how to trust myself to go through the process as well as nurture a sense of safety throughout. I trust her immensely: she made space for me to feel all my emotions, heard me when I needed to be heard, and celebrated my progress with me. I felt so supported by her. She guided me gently and didn’t push when I wasn’t ready. The biggest thing I learned from her was how to see my parents as human beings in their own right and not just my parents. That was my first step toward feeling true empathy for them and forgiving them. I was able to start spending time with them without feeling rage or worthlessness. I’m so grateful for that. They’re in their mid 70s and I don’t know how many more years I’ll have with them. Now I know I can experience the last decade(s) of my relationship with them with more peace than I’ve ever felt before."


"Marie is absolutely incredible. The energy she holds in your sessions allows such deep unlocking of the various parts of you that you had no idea existed."

-Grace Mahoney

"Marie is absolutely incredible. The energy she holds in your sessions allows such deep unlocking of the various parts of you that you had no idea existed. Not only have I grown an incredible amount working with Marie and become such a whole version of myself that I never thought was possible, I've also just LEARNED an incredible amount about how our minds work, our nervous systems, parts work, and more. To the point where I can actually help myself when I'm not in a session with Marie. And even help my 3 year old son as he grows and develops. Both of those are so huge! I feel more equipped to go through life and to raise a well resourced and empowered little one as well. Thank you Marie!"


"Before working with Marie, I felt stuck in endless cycles of anxiety, depression, and intense emotions that I couldn’t control. 

-Megan Hettwer,

The stress impacted my body, too — debilitating stomach problems, horrible headaches, constantly being in fight or flight mode… it all left me feeling exhausted and awful. And I’d felt that way for as long as I could remember. At first, talk therapy helped me recognize traumas I’d experienced and how they impacted me. Eventually, I didn’t feel like endless talking was helping me actually fix anything. Then Marie taught me how to discover and heal at the root. I’d never heard about mother wounds, ancestral wounds, abandonment wounds, or healing my nervous system… but it all made SO much sense. She taught me how to feel safe in my body and now I have a whole arsenal of tools I can use to regulate myself so that I feel safe, secure, and connected. My mental, emotional, and physical health have all improved, and so have my other relationships. Marie’s support and guidance played a huge role in making all of that happen and I can’t recommend her coaching and her courses enough."

content strategist

"I was experiencing anxiety and panic attacks almost daily and Marie helped me get to the root of my issues- the mother wound.

 - Jamie Prosser Zimmer, 

Before I started working with Marie, I was receiving her weekly emails. I cried while reading each one because I knew I needed help and I knew she could help me. I was experiencing anxiety and panic attacks almost daily and Marie helped me get to the root of my issues- the mother wound. I was shocked how quickly my nervous system calmed down and am forever grateful for her kindness, compassion & guidance. I only wish I had started sooner!"


"Marie gives you the tools and confidence to gain strength and power. She helps you find your highest self."

-Hailey Reeves

"Two years ago, I had an appointment with my Primary Care Physician. I was told I would not be a good mother. Not because of physical health, but mental health. For 21 years I lived with a dysregulated nervous system. At that moment I knew something had to change, which lead me to Marie Benoit. I have delved into deep nervous system work and reprocessing trauma. Working on healing my autonomic nervous system has shown me wounds I never knew I had, father and abandonment wounds. Now I have a newfound safety and confidence in my logical self and the parts of me within my nervous system. I have now been told, “let us get you off the medications. You will be a great mother.” Marie gives you the tools and confidence to gain strength and power. She helps you find your highest self. I would not be where I am without her and her work of body-focused, trauma-informed coaching".


"I took the Cycle Breaker program with Marie when I felt stagnant with my healing journey." 

- Victoria,

"Having acknowledged my trauma and already dabbled in different healing modalities - I was feeling stuck in a cycle of overwhelming anxiousness. Going to talk therapy offered only little relief, and anxiety showed up almost every day like clockwork. If I were triggered by something external, it felt like it was game over. By diving into somatic approaches to trauma and deep nervous system work, Marie equipped me with tools for self-regulation. The practices and actionable knowledge I gained from working with Marie allowed me to feel safe in my body and know how to work with my anxiety. 
